Czech Double Reed Society
Czech Double Reed Symposium
2 – 3 December 2022, Prague
The Czech Double Reed Symposium will take place for the fifth time in 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. The three-year covid period is perhaps behind us, and we are inviting lecturers and leading manufacturers of oboes and bassoons to Prague on the first weekend of December.
December 2, 2022 at 7:30 p.m., Church of St. Simon and Judy, Prague
December 3, 2022, 10-21, Rudolfinum, Prague

December 2, 2022, 7.30 p.m.
Concert Sophie Dervaux &
Prague Chamber Soloists
December 3, 2022, 10.00 a.m.
Sophie Dervaux: masterclass
World-known player Sophie Dervaux will lead the young generation of Czech bassoonists and pass on the best of her know-how.
The Masterclass is open to students of conservatories, music gymnasiums, academies and art schools. Based on the submitted applications and CVs, we will select eight players who will rotate in 15-minute blocks.

December 3, 2022, 12.00 a.m.
Jan Lonek: Physiotherapist lectures
Muscle imbalances when playing a wind instrument and their possible consequences.
Mgr. Jan Lonek, studied physiotherapy at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Charles University, Prague. He is interested in music medicine, which he studied in his diploma thesis and gained experience during an internship in Kuopio, Finland, where he worked with the players of the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra and with local music students. In his spare time he plays the clarinet and saxophone.
The lecture is only in Czech language.
December 3, 2022, 1.00 p.m.
Kateřina Jagla: Musical success without stage fright
Nervousness, fear, underestimation… none of this is part of art or success. Why and how does stage fright occur? How to work with it? How to practice so that we can perform at our best in front of any stage, how we can and confidently enjoy the performance? All of this will be discussed in the lecture Musical success without stage fright – for all musicians of any level of proficiency.

Kateřina Jagla is a cellist, musical mentor and therapist. As part of her music studies, she had the opportunity to get a lot of advice on how to improve her technical skills, but how to apply them on stage when a lot of stage fright comes, she didn’t get any answers. After completing her studies at JAMU in Brno, she decided to investigate the functioning of thoughts, mindset and subconscious processes that influence our behavior in her own way. Thanks to self-development and coaching techniques and using therapeutic methods, she found a way that everyone can work on their self-confidence and how to individually help anyone.
„In sports and in other fields, it is already common today to work with a mental attitude. Athletes understand that in order to meet demanding technical conditions (also associated with a high stress load), it is necessary to engage the mind in a way other than just according to the instinct code. Why it is still ignored in the art world, I don’t know,“ he writes on his website.
„However, it is important to know that there are paths and I will gladly walk them with you.“ He currently provides one-on-one mentoring as well as group online courses for musicians of all levels.
The lecture will be in Czech language.
December 3 2022, 2.00 p.m.
Michaela Hrabánková: masterclass
World-known player Michaela Hrabánková will lead the young generation of Czech oboists and pass on the best of her know-how.
The Masterclass is open to students of conservatories, music gymnasiums, academies and art schools. Based on the submitted applications and CVs, we will select eight players who will rotate in 15-minute blocks. The Masterclass can be completed with both a baroque and a modern instrument.

December 3, 2022, 4.00 p.m.
Michaela Hrabánková: Initiation into the baroque oboe
Are you interested in how the baroque oboe sounds and how historical versions of the oboe can inspire us in terms of phrasing or tone when playing a modern instrument? Do you want to experience what it’s like to play a historical instrument? Then this lecture is just for you.
December 3, 2022, 6.30 p.m.
Advent Double Reed Concert
Solo performances by the most talented young players in the world of double reed instruments, chamber double reed ensembles and double reed orchestra. Christmas atmosphere, classics and carols.
Players of double reed instruments are cordially invited to perform at the concert with a chamber ensemble or as part of a double reed orchestra. Active participants of the symposium have access to the entire Saturday program for a symbolic 100 CZK.
The double reed orchestra is conducted by bassoonist Tomáš Františ.

3. 12. 2022, 10-18
The largest exhibition of oboes, bassoons and accessories in the Czech Republic
The exhibition is accessible free of charge.
The largest exhibition of oboes, bassoons and their accessories in the Czech Republic takes place as part of the Czech Double Reed Symposium. If you are interested in new instruments, looking for a suitable brand and want to try and buy an instrument, you will have the opportunity to try many different models and manufacturers during the Czech Double Reed Symposium.
You can also buy equipment, tools and reeds for making machines or sheet music.
Participation in the symposium in 2022 has so far been confirmed by: (spolupořadatel výstavy) ->
Buffet Crampon ->
Püchner ->
Howarth of London ->
Patricola Musical Instrument ->
Danzi Reeds ->
Bernd Moosmann ->
Bulgheroni ->
Gebrüder Mönnig woodwind instruments ->
Fossati Paris – l’atelier du hautbois ->
Reed Machines ->
Guntram Wolf ->
Georg Rieger ->
Reeds’n Stuff ->
Roman Zlesák Repairs ->